Friday, January 28, 2011

Review for Your money GOd's way!

I finished a book awhile back called "Your money God's way". I have to say I was kind of skeptical at first if this book was going to be any good and have any worthwhile information in it but since it was just for review I figured I would give it a shot! I have to say for the time we are at in our life right now, this book really helped me. I really like the way the author presented different subjects, I liked that she didn't sugar coat it and I REALLY loved the chart and the way she explained how to budget. I realized after doing it that I had never actually done a right budget so it was so nice to learn from this book how to actually do a correct budget. I do recommend this book to anyone that is wanting to learn how to handle their finances in a better way. I wont give it five stars because I still needed more to help me so we are going to take the financial peace course from Dave Ramsey but I do think it was a good starter book for me.