Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dad's bible!

I just received another book in the mail to review for Thomas Nelson Publishers.  This is a bible specifically designed for Dad's.  It's the bible in the New Century Version, which I have not heard of yet but what makes it special is throughout the bible there are little tidbits of information here and there and the best part of it is in the back of the bible.  They have 30 pages of questions and answers that dads might hear from their children.  They give answers that might help be a base for Dad to go off of with truth to explain and talk to their children.  They also have a neat topical index.  They have a section on God's word that gives many verses for various subjects or things you or your children might be going through.  For instance say your child is worrying about something they have lots of verses on worrying.  They have a section on other dads in the bible.  The bible is hardback and has a nice finish but my husband prefers soft cover.  The pages are kind of neat, they have a look to them that makes them look older than they are!  Overall, I think it's a nice bible with lots of helpful information to help be a base for fathers! 

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